Sunday, 12 September 2010

Regarding an unpublished novel by Robin Wood

For more information see:

1 comment:

  1. Robin Wood in a chapter entitled “Fascism/Cinema” in his collection of essays Sexual Politics and Narrative Film: Hollywood and Beyond (1998) describes Yo-Yo Ma as being an exemplar of the fully alive person, praising his “openness and generosity of spirit, his rich enjoyment of music, of others, of life... Let him stand as a perfect paradigm of the human being in his/her fully creative flowering, from which all taint of the fascist mindset is totally absent”.

    I do not believe it would be inapt to describe Robin Wood in similar if not the same terms. Robin’s generosity of spirit and his love and rich enjoyment of music (see “Renoir and Mozart” in Sexual Politics and Narrative Film and his numerous references to Stravinsky and Janaĉek throughout his writings, in for example the Introduction to Hitchcock’s Films Revisited: Revised Edition (2002)), of literature (see Wings of the Dove (2000) or “Levin and the Jam: Realism and Ideology” in Personal Views), of cinema (see everywhere), and of other people (see the many tributes from his colleagues and students posted on the Internet following his death) pervade and distinguish his work. This was a man who loved life, loved others and was loved in return. At one point he invoked Albert Schweitzer’s phrase “reverence for life” as an essential component of the fully alive person. Robin displayed this reverence for life in every sentence he wrote, in his every act, in his every breath.

    Robin Wood can stand, without undue exaggeration, beside Yo-Yo Ma as a “perfect paradigm of the human being in his/her fully creative flowering, from which all taint of the fascist mindset is totally absent”. We will miss you, Robin.
